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Jerry Goodstein

A bit about me

My professional training is with the Certified ADHD Life Coach training program offered by the iACTcenter. Before beginning my ADHD life coaching program, I worked in higher education for 30+ years as a university professor and administrator, serving in a variety of teaching, administrative, and advising/mentoring roles. I have had the privilege over the years to help many individuals (students, faculty, staff) navigate difficult challenges in school, work, and life.


I retired from higher education in May 2020, to give more attention to my passion for helping justice-involved adults and youth secure employment and other critical services after their release from incarceration. I now work in partnership with a variety of private, public, and not-for-profit organizations in Oregon and Washington to develop pre and post-release job offer opportunities for adults transitioning from incarceration back into the community. 


While I knew that many justice-involved individuals confronted significant challenges such as childhood trauma, poverty, and homelessness, I only recently learned about the high incidence of undiagnosed and untreated ADHD among justice-involved adults and youth. Studies show that individuals with childhood ADHD are 2-3 times as likely as those without childhood ADHD to be arrested, convicted, or incarcerated. It is estimated that close to 50% of incarcerated adults have ADHD and receive virtually no treatment while in custody. Once released from incarceration, individuals with ADHD find it particularly difficult to seek and receive treatment. They struggle with rebuilding their lives, leading to a greater likelihood of recidivism and reincarceration. 

Personal experience with ADHD

While I do not have ADHD and am late to discover ADHD coaching, I have a long history with ADHD. My brother and father lived in an era where little was known about ADHD. They struggled without the benefit of medication, therapy, or coaching. They were not able to overcome their life struggles and both committed suicide - my brother when he was twenty-one, my father when he was fifty-eight.


My daughter, now thirty-five, also has ADHD. She was diagnosed with ADHD when she was fourteen. She too has confronted challenges in school, the workplace, and in her personal life. It was through exploring more resources for her that I recently learned about the power and potential of ADHD coaching, and made the decision to become an ADHD life coach. 

Where You Are ADHD Coaching

If you are ready to begin your ADHD coaching journey, I'm ready to join you. 

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